

Following the barbaric crimes of the Zionist regime in the bombing of a hospital in Gaza and the barbaric crimes of recent days, we have discussed the issue of Jihad against the enemies and the religious duty of Muslims towards these crimes with Ayatullah Mujtaba Nurmufidi, the head of the Research Center for Contemporary Jurisprudence Studies:

– ln relation to the horrific crimes at the Gaza hospital that occurred during the recent attacks of the Zionist forces on the Gaza Strip, what is your assessment of these crimes?

O Allah, we do not complain to you about the loss of our Prophet (peace and blessings of God be upon him and his family), and the absence of our guardian, the abundance of our enemies, the smallness of our numbers, and the intensity of temptation.

Last night’s brutal crime by the regime occupying Jerusalem and the attack on the hospital, which was full of injured and medical staff, and in its premises, a large number of families, women and children had taken shelter, thinking that they were safe from the brutal attacks of this regime, another page or other pages were added to the black book of this regime’s record, both the attack on the hospital, which is not permissible according to all international laws, was ignored, as well as the meeting place of children and women, and that too with the advice of this regime that;  If you want to stay safe, go to this area, there really is no justification for this crime.

This brutal attack and the images of which reached the ears and opinions of the whole world on social networks, visual and audio media, really hurts the human heart, and the wonder is how the heads of European and American countries still support this brutal regime in the face of all these crimes.  they do!  Countries that claim to defend human rights and occasionally attack and impeach some countries that;  You do not respect the rights of your citizens, but here they support and speak in a completely biased manner to the Israeli regime.

Nowadays, an incident that happened in Iran, during which a girl got into trouble, became the basis of extensive propaganda by these media, and without investigating, Iran was accused of illegal treatment and putting pressure on young people.  In front of this obvious attack, which they themselves know, they say that;  It should be investigated whether this was really Israel’s work or not?!  This paradoxical behavior on the part of these countries as well as international organizations has no loyals today.  Today, the world has realized the depth of the crimes of the Zionist regime and the successive lies of the leaders of this regime have been exposed to the people and no one accepts it.

Anyway, we hope that this crime will be the precursor to the destruction and collapse of this fake regime and the rescue of the oppressed Palestinian people from their hands.

-What jurisprudential theory includes the recent crimes against defenseless Muslims and today’s conditions?

Normally, what has happened in Palestine these days can be pondered from different angles.  Those people who were displaced from their homes and villages about 75 years ago, their country was usurped and they were expelled from their homeland, they have the right to try to return to their country and territories. God, the Almighty says in the Qur’an: “Ukhrujuhum min Haythu Akhrajukum” [1], the duty of expelling the usurpers is on those whose homes and properties have been usurped and this matter is clear in the Qur’an.  For this reason that all the efforts that the Palestinian people have made and are making for the return of the refugees to the Palestinian land can be justified.

On the other hand, the oppression that has been perpetrated on this nation and the long-term oppression of the Palestinian people gives them the right to stand against this oppression and fight against the oppressor. God, the Almighty says: “Permission is given to those who fight for they are oppressors, and indeed Allah is able to help them” [2].  Anyway, when a population or a nation is oppressed like this, it is obligatory for them to stand against this oppression.

This is another issue that does not matter to Muslims or non-Muslims.  Anyone who is oppressed has the right to stand and resist oppression.  Now they interpret the Gaza strip as the world’s biggest open prison.  A country and a region with a limited area, less than 400 square kilometers, which have no authority and all the roads are closed to them and are blocked and they are under siege, they have the right to try to get out of this prison and this oppression.  Stand up to oppressors and usurpers and do what is necessary for liberation.  This is definitely a matter of defense that gives them this right and we can grant them this right.

Our jurists, in describing the types of jihad, one of the types they mention for jihad is defensive jihad, and the late author of the book al-Jawaher and also the late Kashif al-Ghita’ say that;  Jihad is obligatory to repel the aggressor from the rule over the lives and honor of Muslims.  Jihad is obligatory against the infidels who fear their domination over the Islamic land.  Jihad is obligatory for those who have entered the sanctury of Islam and usurped it, it is obligatory to expel them.  Therefore, this can definitely give them the right to defend themselves.

In addition, the rule of “nafi sabil” requires that any way that causes the disbelievers to rule over the Muslims must be blocked in any way. God, the Almighty clearly says in the Qur’an: “And Allah will never grant a way to the unbelievers over the believers” [3], the generality of this verse requires that any kind of way and any kind of authority should be rejected and Muslims should stand against it, and this is an issue that can be easily resolved.

What is the duty of Muslims, especially scholars and elites of the Islamic world in this field?

I want to talk to the Muslim nations and the young people from Islamic countries.  Last night we saw the uprising of the Muslim nations of the region against Israel.  In many countries, the holy anger of the Muslim youth took over the criminals.  If the Islamic unity is strengthened, if the will of resistance becomes stronger, if the resources of the Muslims are gathered, without a doubt, this fake regime will not be able to do anything against these iron wills.  Today, it is obligatory for all Muslims to join hands, everyone can walk on this path.

Those who can help Islam by being present in this field, those who can’t with their money, those who are deprived of these two possibilities, help this oppressed nation with their words, speech and pen, they will surely be blessed by Allah.  This saying of Imam (RA) who said: I do not consider anything more obligatory for Muslims than to sacrifice their lives and wealth when they see the blood of your innocent brothers and sisters flowing in the holy lands of Palestine, when you see that our lands are in the hands of the Zionists.  The criminal is destroyed, in this situation there is no other way but to continue Jihad.  It is obligatory for all Muslims to spend their material and spiritual contributions in this holy jihad, and God supports this will.

The Supreme Leader, who has been the leader of the idea of ​​resistance during these years, and today it became clear that this way and this method is the best option against this brutal regime.  A regime that considers the Palestinian Muslim nation as animals and is proud of these barbaric crimes and believes that their children should also be killed, is there any room for negotiation with this regime?

It seems that today is the day when this regime has become weaker than ever, the fragility and weaknesses of this regime have become more obvious these days.  Despite having all kinds of military and technical equipment, its vulnerability is quite evident today.  Today is the day that if everyone unites and cooperates in fighting and standing against this regime, God willing, a clear result will be reached and the holy land of Palestine, the first Qibla of Muslims, will be saved from the hands of these usurpers, and God willing, this is what we think is certain.  The satisfaction of lmam al-Mahdi (‘a) lies in it, it follows the satisfaction of Almighty God and the souls of the Prophets (AS) and saints, all of them will be happy with this action of the Muslims, and God’s help will also support the nation, God willing.

I am reminding the Islamic countries and the heads of the Islamic governments of this honorable verse that;  “do not depend on those who do wrong, lest the fire may seize you too; for you there is no guardian but Allah and you will receive no help if you disobey Allah’s command”.

Do not depend on those who do Wrong, lest the Fire may seize you too; For you there is no Guardian but Allah; and you will receive no help( If you disobey Allah’s Command ). They will not be your friend before God  And in the end you will not be helped.  Trusting this regime, normalizing with this regime with this background and this black record will not only help these governments and countries, but in the not too distant future, the idea of ​​the Nile to the Euphrates, which was in the heads of the leaders of this regime, will come to them.  and will drown them in this sea.  They should know that by doing this, they will create losses for themselves both in this world and in the hereafter, they will be hated by their own nations, and a severe punishment will await them.