In this meeting, Ayatollah Siddimjatbi Nurmfidi, head of the contemporary jurisprudence research institute, expressed the needs and requirements of seminaries and missionaries today and said: The mission of missionaries in today’s society is very important and Imam Hassan Asgari (AS) said:

« اِتَّقُوا ﷲُ وَ کُونُوا زَیْناً وَ لا تَکُونُوا شَیْناً، جُرُّوا إلَیْنا کُلَّ مَوَّدَة، وَ اَدْفَعُوا عَنّا کُلُّ قَبیح، فَإنَّهُ ما قیلَ فینا مِنْ حُسْن فَنَحْنُ أهْلُهُ، وَ ما قیلَ فینا مِنْ سُوء فَما نَحْنُ کَذلِکَ»

It should always be at the forefront of all our activities.

He focused on two scientific and practical aspects of carrying out the mission that is placed on the shoulders of scholars and missionaries and said: The first step in the scientific aspect of the matter is a correct understanding of the religion and school of Ahl al-Bayt.  Although this level of understanding is difficult, the people of the world expect religious knowledge to be presented to them without deficiencies or additions.  The requirement for this accurate understanding is the effort and reference to religious sources and foundations and the understanding of scholars and elders.

Ayatollah Nurmfidi added: The next stage of the scientific aspect of our mission is to introduce this school to the world without any deficiency.  Of course, the tastes and cultures of people in different parts of the world are very different, but we are not going to change the religion according to these tastes, but we should promote the religion based on our basic rule..

The professor of external courses at Qom seminary continued: The third part of our scientific mission is to pay attention to the present time and make the most of it.  Alhamdulillah, with the victory of the Islamic revolution in Iran and the leadership of the Shiite authority in Iraq, seminaries have been given a unique opportunity to explain the Ahl al-Bayt school in the best way.

He listed Islamic unity and friendship between people and scholars as other scientific aspects of the mission of seminarians and said: differences and enmity between Islamic religions and between Shiite tendencies cause losses and the loss of opportunities and power of religious missionaries.  Similarly, Imam Khomeini (RA) and the supreme leader of the revolution and the high-ranking authorities of Iraq have repeatedly emphasized that the unity between Islamic religions and the unity of the currents within the Shia cause the plans and programs of the enemies to be broken.

He added: In this regard, it is important to know the enemy and their plans to create religious differences among Muslims and Shiites.  Right now, we are witnessing the activities of deviant sects within the religious community and religious people, which should be recognized and countered in their place.

In the second part of his speech, Ayatollah Noormfidi examined the practical aspects of the mission of scholars and missionaries and said: The most practical way to carry out the divine mission that is our responsibility is to know and act on the lifestyle and practice of the Ahl al-Bayt, peace be upon them.  Today, the greatest effort is to explain the way and style of the Ahl al-Bayt in life and their interactions with the people in various moral, religious, social, economic and other aspects of life. Of course, the important issue in this is to overtake the scholars and preachers to follow the style and way of the Ahl al-Bayt.  which ultimately leads to the advice of those who say

« کونُوا لَنا زَيْناً وَ لا تَکونُوا عَلَيْنا شَيْناً.»

He added: “Unfortunately, in some pulpits, we see that the preachers are looking for miracles and special honors from Ahl al-Bayt, while their most important miracle is their religious lifestyle, which has not been properly explained and introduced so far.”

Ayatollah Noormfidi pointed to the current events of the Islamic community and said: The Imams of Athar (peace be upon them) were defenders of the truth and opponents of oppression.  Even today, we are witnessing human tragedies in Gaza and Palestine and the support of Western countries and America for them.  The true way of Ahl al-Bayt in such matters was to support the oppressed, to unite the Islamic community against the oppressor.  We must also fulfill our important historical mission and duty and show practical obedience to the Ahl al-Bayt school.

In the continuation of this meeting, a number of guests raised questions about the topic and scope of contemporary jurisprudence and some activities of this research institute, to which Ayatollah Nurmfidi answered them.

It should be mentioned that before this visit, the guests of this program visited different departments of the research institute, including scientific groups, library, and the encyclopedia of contemporary jurisprudence, and got acquainted with the activities of these departments.