Muhammad Sadiq lbrahimi:

13/Principle of drama jurisprudence

Muhammad Sadiq lbrahimi:

Some opinions of jurists on the display of naked and half-naked men’s bodies in the media

Unlike the rule of showing women’s bodies, the rules of showing or “media showing men’s bodies” have received less attention in Islamic jurisprudence.  “Showing the half-naked body of men” in the media is possible both in the form of performing arts such as films, series, theater and cinema, and in the form of showing sports competitions; such as swimming, wrestling and weightlifting. The following article has tried to summarize the views of the jurists in this field.


The history of the show “Men’s half-naked body” is very short, contrary to the ruling on the permissibility or non permissibility of looking at the body;  Because not much time has passed since the emergence of visual media and its spread among religious and Islamic communities. The question that is raised in this regard is, what is the jurisprudential ruling of showing and not looking at the half-naked body of men in visual and public media?  A show whose audiences are both men and women; and on the other hand, the relationship between artists and viewers may be privacy or non-privacy.

In the case of looking directly and not through the media, compared to the half-naked body of men, the verdict is different according to the viewer and the owner of the look.  For instance, if the viewer is a man, according to the famous fatwa of jurists, it is permissible for men to look at the whole body of men, except for private parts, with the condition that there is no intention of pleasure or riba. But if the viewer is a woman, according to the famous fatwa, it is forbidden for women to look at the body of non-mahram men, except those parts that are not normally covered by men.

In the case of indirect viewing or media viewing, the case is slightly different.  According to the famous fatwa, it is okay for women to look at men’s pictures if they are not motivated by lust. Looking at a movie, if it is broadcast live, has the status of looking at the body, and if it is not broadcast live, it has the status of image and photo. In other words, there is nothing wrong with women watching sports movies broadcast on TV, while men are not covered enough, if it is not for fear of being spoiled or with the intention of pleasure.  Most of the jurists consider it haram for women to look at men’s half-naked bodies if it causes lust. But regarding the display of half-naked men’s bodies, mainly the jurists are of the opinion that if the “display” causes some kind of lust in the viewers, it is forbidden to display it, otherwise, it cannot be ruled as sacred.

  1. The sanctity of showing men’s half-naked bodies live

In terms of some contemporary jurists, if the film is broadcast directly, looking at it is like looking at a living person, but if it is broadcast indirectly, it is like a photograph (Imam Khumayni, Laws of Women, p. 32). این terms of this fatwa, it is wrong to show the half-naked body of men.  Because men cannot look at other parts of the body of non-mahram women, even without the intention of riba, and women cannot look at men’s bodies in sports competitions and the like, if they are broadcast live.

  1. Caution in displaying men’s half-naked bodies

Some contemporary jurists consider it haram to watch non-mahram through television and media if it is conducive to corruption and usury (Bahjat, Tawdih al-Masa’il, Miscellaneous Issues, Issue 2).  According to this fatwa, it can be said that since the display of half-naked men’s bodies causes usury and corruption for women, it is prudent to leave the display.  The opinions of the following jurists can be added to this view: Araki, Fadil Lankarani, Gulpaygani and Makarim Shirazi (Istifta’at).  What’s more, they also don’t make a difference between live or non-live performances, rather they consider the absence of usury and corruption as the criterion, which usually shows the fear of usury in showing half-naked men’s films.  Therefore, the caution in not showing men’s half-naked bodies can be attributed to them.

  1. In terms of a necessary precaution, it is not allowed in direct broadcast and is allowed in indirect broadcast

Some contemporary jurists, such as Ayatullah Khamene’i, do not consider it permissible to look at a non-mahram image in live broadcasting due to the obligatory precaution;  But he considers it okay to watch it in a live broadcast (Khamenei, Ajwibat al-lstifta’at, p. 259).  Based on this fatwa, it can be said that since it is not permissible to look at the naked in live broadcasting, due to mandatory caution, then it is not permissible to show the half-naked body of men in the media in the form of live broadcast due to mandatory caution, but there is no problem with indirect broadcasting.

The result is that if the representation of a half-naked man’s body in the media, in terms of appearance, the way of presentation and editing of the scene and other factors, is in a way that causes lust to some ordinary people, then it is not permissible to display it, but if it is not like this and such it can be said that it is permissible if it does not follow any kind of works.

This note is a part of the electronic magazine “Fundamentals of Jurisprudence”, which was produced in collaboration with the art jurisprudence school and the Ijtihad network website.