It was stated in the Sunday meeting:

In response to the question of whether issues such as cosmetic surgery or artificial insemination, which have no roots in traditions, should be included in jurisprudential chapters, the director of the contemporary jurisprudence encyclopedia said: I believe that special chapters should be considered for these issues, because if they are separated, our work It becomes a bit difficult, so networking is to understand the impact of jurisprudence issues on each other.

The meeting “The method of compiling the network of issues of contemporary jurisprudence with an emphasis on the method of the encyclopedia of contemporary jurisprudence” on Sunday, May 2, by the research institute for the study of contemporary jurisprudence in Berg.

Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimeen Kazem Haqqani Fazl, the director of the contemporary jurisprudence encyclopedia, gave a speech in this meeting and said: “One question is, what is the relationship between jurisprudence issues and other issues?” This is an issue that must be clarified in contemporary jurisprudence. There may be some objective issues in the society, but they have not become jurisprudence, that is, the jurisprudence has not commented on them and they have not been written down anywhere. Because these questions don’t have a clear answer, we came to the conclusion that we should have a journey from detail to the whole in order to compile the network of issues of contemporary jurisprudence, that is, we should examine and see what exists in the society and transfer these issues to jurists and taqlid authorities. What are the main things people have asked from references?

The possibility of error in the analysis of phenomena

He added: I don’t think anyone has asked a jurist whether it is permissible to board a plane or not. But surely people have asked how should we pray on the plane? We can also have future studies in jurisprudence and, for example, with the current trend in medical science, we can guess that in the not too distant future we will face new jurisprudential questions in the field of medicine. Also, technological phenomena sometimes jump so much that they cause us problems that we could not foresee.

The Director of Contemporary Fiqh Encyclopaedia of Contemporary Fiqh Studies Research Center stated: In many cases, we are not able to predict and we may face unexpected events that become jurisprudential issues for us. It should also be known that there is a possibility of error in the analysis of phenomena, so we must collect what has happened in the field of reality and develop the necessary jurisprudential network. Hojjat-ul-Islam Fallah took the first step in this field and collected the necessary cases in the encyclopedia of contemporary jurisprudence. When I checked this encyclopedia, I realized that many issues were new to me and I never thought they would become jurisprudential issues.

The importance of networking in legal issues

Haqqani Fazl clarified: We went to what was available and encountered a large amount of information, and after collecting and segmenting articles, books, treatises, theses, etc., we decided to turn it into a network. It was here that the main problem showed itself and the problem was that the phenomena were really multifaceted and even their societies were taken from the text or hadiths, so we cannot find a chapter in jurisprudence that is not rooted in hadiths, but in contemporary jurisprudence, issues Various, such as cosmetic surgery or artificial insemination and renting a uterus, are not rooted in the text.

He added: Now the question arises whether we should put these in the previous chapters or in a new chapter? I consider the network according to the definition of science and I believe that the issues should be considered in certain chapters because if they are scattered, our work will be a bit difficult, therefore networking is to understand the influence of jurisprudence issues on each other.

The need to have a proper understanding of contemporary affairs

Abdul Majeed Masahari; A member of the scientific faculty of the Research Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies said in the continuation of this meeting: what was presented was useful and valuable and the efforts of Hojjatul Islam Haqqani; Haez had a path-breaking logic and a kind of precision and good taste, but I must say that it was not in the field of methodology in the literal sense of the word, and we will not benefit from its benefits until our encounter with a situation is methodological. The problem is that, basically, in the first stage, we need methodological reflection, and if we do not take this step firmly and seriously, then these topics will remain limited for us.

He added: Methodological encounter occurs when we are familiar with analytical capacities, otherwise our methodological logic does not have the appropriate approach to the contemporary issue or has it to a small extent. Another problem is that we will not find out what possibilities are there for us to discuss in a methodological horizon. First of all, we should try to understand the contemporary issue. We have to see what contemporary matter means and then examine and see how contemporary jurisprudence can be proposed, otherwise we will not find a way to contemporary jurisprudence until we have knowledge of contemporary affairs. This is an issue that we have neglected, that is, we have not addressed the contemporary issue.

Networking goals

Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimeen Mohammadreza Fallahtefati; The scientific and content manager of the Wiki Shia site also said in this meeting: The point that was raised as a basic question is the connection of new issues with old issues and also the connection of these issues with each other. In my opinion, we should clarify, first of all, what is our view on contemporary jurisprudence? Do we consider contemporary jurisprudence as a part of jurisprudence? For example, if the jurisprudence of the media is discussed, is it placed next to the jurisprudence of prayer and the jurisprudence of purity? Some contemporary researchers say that these are interdisciplinary knowledges, so if we look at medical jurisprudence as an interdisciplinary knowledge, naturally, we are not dealing with it as one of the chapters of jurisprudence, and its requirements are not the same requirements accepted in jurisprudence.

He stated that we should identify the fundamental issues of contemporary jurisprudence and added: Our expectation from jurisprudence is not to pay attention to it as a created knowledge, but it is one of the parts of jurisprudence. Another point is that in the encyclopedia, one of the goals of the network of issues is to simplify jurisprudence and the other is to show the place of issues in jurisprudence. In the structure of jurisprudence encyclopedia, these characteristics are well provided. This encyclopedia is comprehensive and up-to-date and is consistent with jurisprudence. This online encyclopedia provides valuable facilities to the audience, but the problem is that this work is a retrospective work and a report of knowledge, so my suggestion is that we should not limit ourselves to a specific view or proposal of jurisprudence, but we can use different methods for issues. To propose jurisprudence, for example, one of the suggestions is to explain jurisprudence dimensions based on the natural course of human life.