In Sunday meeting, it was said:

For the time being, we expect artificial intelligence to discover problems for us and put them together, can artificial intelligence explain to us its problem discovery algorithm?  Recently, Mr. Elon Musk announced that he would publish the source code of his artificial intelligence, which has 314 billion parameters. Now, if we want to see how this number of parameters works and according to what process it discovers and categorizes issues, we will not get an answer. On the other hand, the language of artificial intelligence is numbers and it is different from our language which is based on letters. For instance, we have several interpretations in a statistic, and we need to know what is the basis of artificial intelligence's interpretation of that statistic?  In my opinion, relying on artificial intelligence in the field of emerging issues is dangerous and not a reliable way.

The meeting “Application of artificial intelligence, as a method of compiling the system of issues of contemporary jurisprudence” was held on Sunday, May 30, by the Institute of Contemporary Jurisprudence Studies.

Hujjat al-Islam wa al-Muslimin Sa’id Sarrafzadeh, a member of the Policy Council of the Intelligent Technology Steering Staff of Seminaries, on the 30th of May, at the scientific meeting “Application of artificial intelligence as a method of compiling the system of contemporary jurisprudence issues” held by the Institute of Contemporary Jurisprudence Studies with stating that it is necessary to examine the concepts of this discussion first, so that the relationship between them can be determined, he said: Our emphasis on intelligence is that it is a power. Naturally, this power will have a possibility to be used. If these things are done in a regular manner, the issue of method will come up, and in this sense, it will be related to the discussion of method.  The system of problems is the connection between a series of things. The system of issues in the credit world is something that values ​​the set of issues and forms a structure of values ​​and definitions. In this building, we have a series of basic definitions, values ​​and principles, the relationships between which form a network in a general sense.

Hujjat al-Islam wa Al-Muslimin Sarafzadeh stated that contemporary jurisprudence includes topics that either did not exist in the past or we have not faced them and said: One of the serious features of contemporary jurisprudence, considering the external complexity of their topics, is jurisprudential research work regarding issues that have external complexity and the inclusion of titles that have implications on the subject.

In this context, he said: According to what we have said, we are faced with a series of methods that intelligence uses to do things, and these things are usually from analysis, decision and mental tasks.

By considering the premise that artificial intelligence is based on infrastructures, he said: One of the most important functions of artificial intelligence here is to develop a system of concepts and relationships between them. This biographer is said to have different bases, which are logical, methodical and formal types of these bases. According to these infrastructures, we can model them.

Processing the principles of jurisprudence is one of the advantages of using artificial intelligence

This researcher of Islamic jurisprudence said: One of the important infrastructures of artificial intelligence is the logical infrastructure. Forge’s works, the development of the logic of propositions, the logic of the first stage, and in general mathematical logic and one of its branches, mathematical logic, are examples of this foundation. Frege’s method is based on the existentialism of everything. He believes that you are dealing with x’s that have attributes and relationships – this is the infrastructure – now we have to see, with Frege’s method, can we go to things that we do not consider to exist?

A member of the Policy Council of the Smart Technologies Steering Staff of Seminaries, expressing the premise that one should approach these infrastructures with open eyes, considered the algorithm as one of the important concepts in this field and said: Algorithm is a series of step-by-step activities completely  are defined as what a machine is capable of doing. In Algorithms, it is possible to find inclusion in jurisprudence by defining the concepts and then formulating the connections between them – such as the connection between general and special concepts.

He added: One of the examples of the fruits of this work is knowledge organization systems, which took a definite shape in the form of thesauruses that showed the relationships between terms.  Algorithmic view is a process view that, if entered into the knowledge of principles of jurisprudence, can bring fundamental developments in the science of principles of jurisprudence.

At the end of his initial statements, he discussed examples of the use of artificial intelligence as a tool to solve emerging problems and said: The discussion of bodies are a series of sources that can extract concepts by tagging according to themselves and using methods. They make appropriate decisions and then they are used by compiling the concepts of methodical elements, for example, it can be seen where the owner of the jewel has discussed vocabulary, and where he has quoted and criticized literary sayings. If these methods are calculated correctly, the way to use them in emerging problems will be opened.

What is the reason for the new definition of the problem?!

In the continuation of Hujjat al-Islam wa al-Muslimin, Muhammad Reza Fallah Tafti, the scientific and strategic director of the Wiki Shi’ah site, criticized the contents in a statement and stated that our view of the issue is “issue” and said: “We came across a new definition of the issue in their statements, which they said that the issue is judgment, subjects and predicates.  However, the definition that comes from the books is that the problem is the case, not the particulars of the sentence, predicate or subject.

Can artificial intelligence explain its problem discovery algorithm to us?

The scientific and strategic director of Wiki Shi’ah site added: You introduced artificial intelligence as a tool, not a method. Do you mean the same tool as the method or do you mean something else?

By considering that one must know the logic of whether or not everything is a problem, he stated: We require to see what the fields of problem discovery are in the problem discovery stage. What is the critical logic of a problem?  Based on what criteria are these issues put together?

He said: Now we expect artificial intelligence to discover the problems for us and put them together, can artificial intelligence explain to us the algorithm for discovering its problems?  Recently, Mr. Elon Musk announced that he would publish the source code of his artificial intelligence, which has 314 billion parameters. Now, if we want to see how this number of parameters works and according to what process it discovers and categorizes issues, we will not get an answer. On the other hand, the language of artificial intelligence is numbers and it is different from our language which is based on letters. For instance, we have several interpretations in a statistic, and we need to know what is the basis of artificial intelligence’s interpretation of that statistic?  In my idea, relying on artificial intelligence in the field of emerging issues is dangerous and not a reliable way.

I was not trying to define the problem!

At the end of the meeting of Hujjat al-Islam wa al-Muslimin, Sarafzadeh answered the questions of the honorable critic and stated that he did not intend to define the problem and stated: My view was that in the system of problems, there is either communication in terms of the issue or ruling, and I was trying to define the problem.

He moreover added: Artificial intelligence is not a method but uses methods.  Regarding whether artificial intelligence can clarify its problem discovery algorithm, it must be said that artificial intelligence answers questions by using the sequences we give it and by the training it has seen. Thus, based on the same data that we have given to it, the artificial intelligence can reply with the help of other information.