The chief of the Research Institute of Contemporary Jurisprudence, Ayatullah Mujtaba Nurmefidi, took part in a joint virtual meeting with the chief of the Jurisprudence Faculty of Kufa University. At the beginning of this meeting, Ayatullah Mujtaba Nurmfidi expressed his condolences on the martyrdom of the honorable President and a group of staff of the Islamic Revolution, as well as the 35th anniversary of the demise of Imam Khumayni, may his soul rest in peace, and reminded them of the important role of the Imam, may his soul rest in peace, in influencing the Shiites of Iran and Iraq.He explained the importance of the Islamic Revolution and reminded of his important role in paying attention to the challenges of humanity in order to provide answers to them under the capacities of contemporary religious jurisprudence.

At the meeting, Ayatullah Sayyid Mujtaba Nurmufidi, while reminding the fact that several decades have passed since the career of Kufa University and its Faculty of Fiqh, reminded that from the very beginning, the purpose of founding this university was to create a platform to utilize the significant capacity of Najaf Seminary. In today’s way and its entry was at the global level. He also pointed out that during these years, in connection with newly emerging issues, good works have been realized at Qum seminary and we have seen positive developments in the fields of education and research.

In explaining the position and function of the Research Center for Contemporary Jurisprudence, the professor of the external course of Qum Seminary addressed the importance that the Research Center for Contemporary Jurisprudence Studies has taken important steps, including in areas such as compiling chapters on contemporary jurisprudence, compiling a system of contemporary jurisprudence issues. The statistics of applied problems have taken important steps. The head of the Institute of Contemporary Jurisprudence Studies added that there are many significant research projects in fields such as jurisprudence and citizenship rights in the institute of discussion and study.

He also explained that in the seminaries of Qum, lran and Najaf, lraq, due to the existence of common concerns, we can organize joint efforts in holding meetings and cooperate in the field of writing topics and issues needed by the international community.

Also, based on his explanations, one of the important tasks of the Institute of Contemporary Jurisprudence Studies to respond to the demand of international non-Islamic societies has been the translation of Islamic and Shi’ah scholarly texts and the compilation of contemporary jurisprudence encyclopedias in international languages, especially English.

Ayatullah Mujtaba Nurmufidi, while inviting the chief of Kufa Jurisprudence Faculty to travel to Iran, emphasized the beginning of an effective cooperation with the help of joint groups and also using the capacity of prominent scientific personalities and explained that such an approach between the institutions and centers of Qum and Najaf. It can contribute to the scientific interaction as much as possible between the two major Shiite seminaries in Qum and Najaf.

During this meeting, the honorable head of the Faculty of Jurisprudence in Kufa also expressed his condolences on the martyrdom of the Honorable President of the Islamic Republic, Ayatullah Ra’isi, and other martyrs of the Islamic Revolution, as well as the anniversary of the late of Imam Khomeini, may his soul rest in peace. While welcoming the topics presented by the directorate of the Research Institute of Contemporary Jurisprudence, he expressed the readiness of Kufa University to expand interaction and create trends leading to scientific cooperation.