Ayatullah Sayyid Mujtaba Nurmufidi stated:

The head of the Research Institute of Contemporary Jurisprudence Studies

The professor of al-Bahth al-kharij and principles of Qum seminary added: Mr. Pezeshkian is a person who believes in religious principles, adheres to the principles of the revolution, and has lived with honesty and purity in his work. These are the points on which we can hope. He should also act in such a way as to reduce the grounds and excuses for obstructions and avoid unnecessary conflicts. May the doctor of medicine take advantage of the deserving people, God willing, let us all think about the future of the country and the revolution together and move based on the ideals outlined by the late Imam to build a model country.

Table of Contents [hidden]

  1. What is your analysis and evaluation of holding the 14th presidential election?
  1. Tell us about the priorities of Mr. Dr. Pezeshkian’s activity as the president of the 14th government.
  1. Some still try to promote a kind of dichotomy. In this regard, some preachers and devotees introduce Mr. Jalili as one of the Companions of Imam Hussayn (‘a) and the other party was a Yazidi. What advice do you have for these false polarizations and supporters of this thinking?

What is your analysis and evaluation of holding the 14th presidential election?

Elections are generally the field of expressing and applying opinions about the fate of a country. Through the presidential elections, people can apply their own orientation towards the general issues of the country and choose a person to entrust the destiny of the country to him in four years to take charge of affairs.  Elections are an important matter and it is the manifestation of the real and effective presence of the people in the administration of the country’s affairs. In the Islamic Republic, after the victory of the revolution, this opportunity has been provided to the people many times and at different times, people have appeared in the arena and announced their opinion.

In the recent elections, even though there are many problems in the country, people attended the polls. On the one hand, people are facing hardships and problems in the matter of livelihood, on the other hand, international pressures and sanctions have had a significant impact on people’s lives, and on the other hand, we were facing heavy pressure from a large number of people who sought to force people from the fund or elections were boycotted. In any case, the people were exposed to a difficult test and the conditions were difficult, but thank God, with the planning of the supreme leader of the revolution and the active presence of the political parties and groups and sympathizers of the country, this ground was provided to reduce some doubts and the people at the polls. Let the votes come. Of course, there were not many people at the polls.

In the first round of the elections, the sixty percent who did not go to the polls should not be considered as those who do not accept the Islamic Republic system.  Some of them may have such a view, but many of them had other motives and reasons for not participating.  Alhamdulillah, in the second stage, due to the sensitivity that arose, this space was partially restored. Although the company rate of 50% is not desirable, it can be considered acceptable in general. In France, where so many elections became hot and sensitivities rose, 67 percent of people participated and they said that this rate is the first time in the last century.  Now, the norm of people’s participation in the elections is around 60%, and in some places it is sometimes more and sometimes less. Therefore, this norm is acceptable.

In general, people’s presence and the type of their vote in this election is very important and it has a message that it should be analyzed in its place, first of all, why has the participation rate decreased?  Secondly, what are the trends and how should they be interpreted? There are important discussions about the election debate and the level of people’s attendance and reaction, which should be addressed at the right time. But overall, it is a good thing that people participated in the elections with all the problems, hardships, troubles and pressures of the boycotters and did not pay much attention to the request of the boycotters.

 It is appropriate here to honor the memory of the martyred President Mr. Ra’isi and to remind the tragedy that happened to the people and the country and ask the Almighty God for him and his companions to be elevated.

Tell us about the priorities of Mr. Dr. Pezeshkian’s activities as the president of the 14th government.

In my opinion, the first step is to know the problems of the country and rank the priorities and plan to solve them. What I am saying is that the country’s issues are issues that are actually issues and people are involved with them. Their examples are known in society; Issues such as unbridled inflation, employment, devaluation of the national currency, housing and production reduction are the issues that we are facing internally in the economic dimension.

We also have important issues in the social and political dimension. Of course, there are many issues, but we must pay attention to important issues. From the international point of view, there are serious problems that include sanctions and financial communication that has been restricted due to sanctions and some of the issues that arise as a result of these. If these issues are the main issues, the first step is to find ways out of the problems. If you pay close attention to the debates of the candidates, almost everyone – to some extent – agrees that inflation, devaluation of the national currency, embargo, etc. are part of the country’s problems. In the debates, no one said that the embargo has no effect, but some said that we should neutralize the embargo and some said that we should remove the principle of the embargo. People are so preoccupied with issues like inflation or devaluation that it’s obvious, but prioritizing these issues is important. It is also necessary to use capable and competent forces and planning to solve these issues and problems.

Some still try to promote a kind of bipolarity. In this regard, some preachers and devotees introduce Mr. Jalili as one of the Companions of Imam Hussain (‘a) and the other party as a Yazidi. What advice do you have for these false polarizations and supporters of this thinking?

It has been said many times and sympathizers pointed out that during the election campaign, the boundaries of morality, Shari’ah and law should be respected. There may be a percentage of unacceptable, illegitimate, illegal and unethical things and actions, because there are a wide range of fans in the field of competition who sometimes say things based on emotions and say things that they should not say, but mainly, that propaganda line of competitors in it is the days of elections that should be formed in a proper framework. Of course, I don’t want to accuse one side, maybe sometimes things are done by both sides.

For example, it is not acceptable for us to present the competition of two election candidates in the context of the conflict between Islam and infidelity. The fact that all the sanctities and satisfaction of Imam Zaman (‘a) or Lady Zahra’ (‘a) are tied to voting for one candidate, it is necessary that if another candidate votes, it will cause the displeasure of Imam Zaman (‘a) or ignore. The sufferings of Hazrat Zahra (‘a) are not acceptable. Because this is how a large society is practically divided into supporters and opponents of Imam Zaman (‘a).  Therefore, it is not right to link these matters at this level to the sacred things that are respected by all people.

Or, for example, candidates or their supporters, say things that are a little more than the facts. Here, the clergy and the institutions related to the clergy and precious students and professors must take care. People can criticize competing views, but equating one side with Islam, religion and truth, and the other side with falsehood, has negative effects. In these matters, especially our dear spiritual brothers, we should be more careful. These issues belong to the pre-election and should be corrected. Therefore, I say for the future that the clergy should be much more deliberate in matters related to elections.

After the elections, competition should turn into friendship; Everyone has said this and the supreme leader of the revolution also emphasized. If the competition wants to turn into friendship, it is primarily to distance ourselves from that discourse and literature. It should not be like saying that we are helping, but it should not be like that inwardly. We have religious teachings that especially when national interests and public interests are involved; People’s interests should be considered first. That is, if the interest of the country is involved, the main thing is to do the work; Be it in my name or in another name.

The growth of a nation, group and individual in the true sense of the word, is to think about the overall dignity of the country and the interests of the people before thinking about the dignity of their group and party. If a group is doing something that is in the interest of the country, everyone should help to do it, but if I say that that work is being done by my rival and I obstruct in some way, this behavior is in no way compatible with religious and moral teachings.

Also, this type of behavior causes the degradation and fall of man. The excellence of man and human society is that we distance ourselves from such behaviors. Therefore, my compassionate advice is that today the country is not in a condition to want to add a new problem to the previous problems with these types of attitudes and behaviors. The natural result of these behaviors is that people completely distance themselves from everyone; Not just from one side or the other. The result of these behaviors is despair and hopelessness. We must try to restore hope to people and actually strengthen it. Alhamdulillah, in these few days, the type of interaction, statements and positions of the president-elect have strengthened the hope that, God willing, the competition will turn into friendship.

Mr. Pezeshkian is also a person who believes in religious principles, adheres to the principles of the revolution, and has lived with honesty and purity in his work.  These are the points on which we can hope. He should also act in such a way as to reduce the grounds and excuses for obstructions and avoid unnecessary conflicts. May the doctor of medicine take advantage of the deserving people, God willing, let us all think about the future of the country and the revolution together and move based on the ideals outlined by the great Imam to build a model country.