Hujjat al-Islam wal-Muslimin Mustafa Durri
Leviathan “Civil Law Jurisprudence”
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Professor Mahdi Mehrizi
The challenge of jurisprudence is citizenship rights, the issues of non-Muslims, non-Shiites and women
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Benefits of Shi’ah citizenship rights in the modern world
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Ali Sharifi
Citizenship rights and its relationship with citizenship rights
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Professor Husayn Adabi:
Citizen rights, hijab challenge and some other questions
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Head of the Institute of Contemporary Jurisprudence:
The right to happiness is one of the most important citizenship rights/ in the next hundred years, new examples of citizenship rights will be proposed.
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Hujjat-ul-Islam Dr. Muh. Hasan Muvahhedi Savaji:
The fifth reason for the inference operation in human rights sources
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Prof. S. Muh. Ali Ayazi
An introduction to the jurisprudence of citizenship rights
Ali llahi Khurasani:
Citizenship Rights and Urbanization Rights
Member of the Scientific Council of the Department of Jurisprudence, Politics and International Relations, Contemporary Jurisprudence Research Center:
Minimal jurisprudence cannot analyze citizenship rights. The Imams said that subject matter is the job of the jurist.
Member of the Council of Research Institutes of the Contemporary Jurisprudence Research Center:
Citizenship does not mean living in the city. Some deprivations of infidels are due to their lack of adherence to Islamic rules and laws