Critic: Hujjat al-Islam wa al-Muslimin Alireza Piruzmand, a member of the faculty of the National Defense University

At the sixth session of “Method on Sundays”, Dr. Ali pur Arab discussed “the method of compiling the network of contemporary jurisprudential issues through artificial intelligence”.

At the beginning of his speech, Dr. Pur Arab defined the “artificial intelligence” and said: “Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science in which we can build a machine that can think, make inferences, and make decisions like a human being.”

The Dr. added: “Currently, there are three artificial intelligences defined: First, weak artificial intelligence, which exists in everything.” Second, general artificial intelligence, which we are approaching, in which the machine speaks like a human. And the third stage, artificial hyperloop artificial intelligence, which is currently only hypothetical but not far from reach.

He said: “Since 2018, the issue of artificial intelligence has changed and instead of mathematics, it has been looking for language. In this system, the machine reaches conclusions by putting together many examples and can reach new results.”

Mr. Pur Arab said: “We need three things for artificial intelligence: 1. Data, 2. Algorithms 3. Computing background. If we rank higher in the first two requirements, but it’s artificial computing, the GPU, that we’re extremely resistant to and that’s what’s holding us back.”

He said: “In order to use artificial intelligence to find the network of contemporary jurists, we need these three things: first, data; And then processing and algorithms. “Then we give the task to the expert to see or reject, and we give the result to the machine to learn, because we are faced with the lack of exposure.”

In the continuation of the meeting, Dr. Alireza Piruzmand said: “Jurisprudents go through at least three paths in order to reach new issues:

With a field that is a function of environmental changes.

Return to sources which are more than new connections.

The creativity of the jurist or real intelligence.

Now, which method does artificial intelligence use?”

The Dr. said: “It is important that artificial definitions and rules should be based on the rules identified in Shi’ah jurisprudence. Principly, artificial intelligence should not be given more than a deputy and companion role and should not be entrusted with all the work. Because in practice, as we have seen today, the work will be completely out of our hands and the day will come when we won’t even have it.”

It is worth mentioning that “Method on Sundays” is held at the Research Institute of Contemporary Jurisprudence with the support of the “Development and Empowerment of Islamic Sciences” desk.

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