Dr. Abdul Majid Muballeghi:

A member of the scientific faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies Research Institute emphasized that the theology emerging from Shi’ah jurisprudence is the largest practical theological system that has appeared in the world.

Abdul Majid Muballeghi, a member of the faculty of the Research Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies, on the first of February in the scientific meeting entitled “The position of Mudarresi methodology in Shi’ah jurisprudence and its relationship with the topic of the method of compiling a network of jurisprudence issues” organized by the Research Institute of Contemporary Jurisprudence, stating that the knowledge of Shi’ah jurisprudence has been expanded in the heart of a kind of historical discourse that represents the methodical order of Mudarresi, said: We are faced with Mudarresi thought in the knowledge of Shi’ah jurisprudence, which is immersed in the importance of methodology. The spirit of the background and time of the first and middle Islamic centuries in Shi’ah jurisprudence has grown and developed in the form of a seminary, and the rationality in jurisprudence and inference methods has been in the context of the seminary.

He added: We should look for Mudarresi methodology in its origin in the first and second centuries, which continued into the middle and Islamic centuries. Mudarresi methodological thought is based on Shi’ah jurisprudence and Shi’ah jurisprudence has developed in this context. Wherever we open the cells of Shi’ah jurisprudence and look at it from the point of view of analytical philosophy, Mudarresi methodology is well known.

Saying that the Mudarresi methodology governing Shi’ah jurisprudence had a tendency to hide and remain unseen, and for this reason we are in the void of a detailed understanding of the boundaries of this type of methodology, he said: We have lost the self-awareness of methodology in relation to jurisprudence to some extent and we have become blind in recognizing the methodological nature of our jurisprudence.

He stated that the third layer of my argument is that we do not have effective literature to explain this methodology of Mudarresi that governs the jurisprudence. What Westerners have done in the last two or three centuries is to criticize their tradition, which is based on words, and raise fundamental questions.

A member of the faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies Research Institute raised a number of questions in this field and added: Despite its usefulness, methodological studies suffer from a chronic failure because its attention is more focused on the general boundaries of the logic governing jurisprudence than on the general boundaries of jurisprudence has become a jurist and has tried to discuss methodological studies from an introspective perspective.

A preacher stated: This outward look has not been accompanied by an understanding of the historical boundaries governing the generalities of fiqh, so I am not saying that this methodology has not been useful, but there should be a greater understanding and a more serious confrontation, and that understanding of the methodological boundaries governing the generalities of fiqh as a historical phenomenon. The Jurisprudence is formed based on a methodology, and without methodology, fiqh and any discipline of study cannot be formed.

The Director of International Affairs of the Institute of Contemporary Fiqh Studies stated that Fiqh is the greatest practical theological system and stated: If such a practical theological system has been formed among the Shiites, which is unique in the world, there must be a methodological logic behind it. It should be recognized, but we have not done so, and this failure represents an unwanted blindness that we have not been able to determine and find out its beginning and end without knowing and finding out.

Mr. Muballeghi added: Methodological logic has a desire to be natural and its hidden function originates from the fact that this logic is based on a kind of effort to be sure of one’s understanding of the environment and objectively show one’s view of the environment and propose infinite, timeless and placeless propositions.

Stating that there is an innate desire to study methodological logic that makes it appear obvious and natural, this researcher said: This rationality presents itself in forms that within our verbal concepts we do not have the ability to see academic logic and a kind of mathematical order in this logic. Ayatullah Mudarresi is very important. If we look at ancient Greek philosophy, it is strongly influenced by Pythagorean meditations, which is based on the understanding that you do not need to know yourself when facing a field of knowledge, and you only need to know that field because your encounter with the field of knowledge is in the form of a problem.

He added: “Awareness is available, but we don’t need to understand ourselves to understand a problem, which of course is not accurate, and we also need our own mental system and understanding in mathematical knowledge.”

This researcher stated that the important question that should be addressed is why the efforts made have not been useful, he stated: because the logic of understanding necessary for the methodology of jurisprudence did not exist. Our efforts in the field of methodology have not been able to identify the field of study in jurisprudence, so its efficiency is also low.

Mudarresi’s rationality governing the jurisprudence of religions and denominations.

He added: Mudarresi’s rationality and methodological logic governing jurisprudence is not only in Shi’ah jurisprudence, but it is also seen in Sunni jurisprudence, Christianity and Judaism, but nowhere has it been successfully developed as in Shi’ah jurisprudence. In a sense, the theology emerging from Shi’ah jurisprudence is the greatest theological system that has emerged in the world.

Saying that people like Allameh Hilli developed the Shi’ah jurisprudential reflections, Muballeghi continued: People like Shaykh Ansari also created a successful level of Mudarresi approach to jurisprudence; Shaykh Ansari’s works are so brilliant that if they are compared with Schleiermacher’s hermeneutics, we will see that the Shiites have reached a level of awareness that the western hermenocians have not been able to reach. Therefore, the dominance of Mudarresi method over Shi’ah jurisprudence does not mean its failure, but the issue is that we must take a step forward, find out this logic and re-understand it with a new methodological logic.

He added: We have to go ahead of Mudarresi methodology because there are more capacities in Shi’ah jurisprudence that will not flourish in the shadow of being satisfied with Mudarresi method and will lead Shi’ah jurisprudence to fall. If we want to have a successful jurisprudence against modern conditions, we must take a step forward to equip Shi’ah jurisprudence with diverse and different methodologies.

In the continuation of Hujjat al-Islam, Dr. Piruzmand reviewed the presented theory.

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