The specialized library of contemporary jurisprudence is one of the departments of the Research Institute of Contemporary Jurisprudence, which has been the focus and attention of the authorities since the first days of the operation of this research institute.  On the occasion of book and book reading week, we have conducted an interview with Mr. Rostami, the librarian:

 – Please explain about the library of the contemporary jurisprudence research institute, from what date did it start its activities?

 The library started its activities in May 2022 after specialized meetings about software and what kind of resources should be prepared and purchased in priority.  According to the macro policy of the research institute, access to resources should be in digital form.  In addition to these investigations, the open source space software for the digital library was first installed and launched, and along with this software, a Mobinsoft library for printed books was prepared and launched, both of which are currently active.

What are the main topics that have been tried to collect books and resources based on them?

 Regarding topics, most of the current issues that have some kind of jurisprudential identity or the possibility of being influenced by jurisprudence are given priority.  But more subjects are included with the research groups of the institute such as citizenship rights, urban planning and natural resources, economics and medicine, etc.  But the emphasis is not on a specific issue; for the policy of the library is to collect resources based on jurisprudence.  Even if he has partially looked at the studied area.

 – What are the main sources of books?

 In the field of hard copies, identification by research groups and needs assessment, participation in book fairs, and purchase.

 Regarding the resources of the ebook library, based on the study resources that have been introduced in the encyclopedia of contemporary jurisprudence, efforts are being made to prepare and upload these resources, and the largest share has been allocated to the Internet.

 – Please provide accurate statistics of the books of this library until today.

 Currently, there are 3182 titles in the printed resources in the library that can be read and researched, including 4577 volumes.  15 specialized magazine titles including 266 issues that can be used as an open shelf.

 In the  elibrary, until now that I am at your service, 14 bases have been created in the digital library for different resources that are produced in three languages, Persian, Arabic and English. This is currently done for 17,219 Word records, which can be released and used after review and control.  But there is also a point about this library, some of the worked records do not have documents and content, and the reason for this is the lack of access to the source in the internet space for users, but nevertheless, efforts have been made to provide the most accurate bibliographic information for  that document should be prepared and notified.  The digital library at the address is ready for users.

– What program have you considered for easier access of researchers to ebooks and hard copies?

 The policy of the library is affected by the macro policy of the research institute;  So that the right to own the resources is for the center.  But how are the accesses to these two parts of the library, I must tell you that currently, the print library is accessible and borrowed at the research institute for all researchers and professors who are connected with the research institute.  However, the digital library will be continuously accessible to researchers in terms of identity and placement in the internet space by providing a viewer username.

 – Which important scientific centers and libraries do you interact with?

 Currently, our most interaction is with two specialized libraries;  One is the specialized library of jurisprudence and principles (Ayatullah Sistani), which has the maximum access to its resources in a professional manner, as well as the library of the pure Imams of Jurisprudence Center, which provides the necessary and relevant resources to the library after going through the administrative procedures.

 In the end, if there is any point, let me know.

 There are always problems at the beginning of activities and work.  Regarding this library, the main problem is the lack of Persian language resources related to the field of contemporary jurisprudence, which, of course, in the last one or two years, many publishers active in the field of humanities tried to convert university theses and seminary theses into books to some extent.  to guide science in this direction, and on the other hand, the formation of various and specialized centers around the newly created issues has led to the identification of the topic, which will lead to more productions.  On the other hand, in many centers that deal with current issues with a focus on jurisprudence, which are sometimes new and challenging issues, they must keep their documentation so that if a researcher or a library like the library of the contemporary jurisprudence research institute needs it one day, it will be available.

 The library currently has a study hall with an area of ​​60 meters and a capacity of 12 study tables for the simultaneous use of 24 people, as well as 23 single-sided shelves.  The preparation section is located next to the study hall.  There is also a place for rest next to the study hall.