Hujjat al-Islam Kazemi Muqaddam said:

The author of the book “The Theory of the Network of Issues” stated: If we analyse the performance of contemporary fuqaha in dealing with specialized jurisprudence, we can find a way to discover the network of issues regarding the contemporary jurisprudence.

The meeting “Method of Compilation of Contemporary Jurisprudential Issues Network” was held by the Research Institute of Contemporary Jurisprudence in cooperation with the Development and Empowerment Desk of Islamic Sciences of the Islamic Propaganda Office.  Hujjat al-Islam wal-Muslimin Iman Kazemi-Muqaddam;  The author of the book “The Theory of the Network of Issues” gave a speech at this meeting and said: Regarding the subject that I am presenting, which is the method of compiling the network of issues of contemporary jurisprudence, I should say that I did not proceed according to the method of the book “Theory of the Network of Issues”, so it is necessary to discuss the method  I will give an explanation.

The necessity of having methodical literature in the field of fiqh

He added: In 2016, in my thesis, I examined the content of specialized jurisprudence, which includes raising the opinions of jurisprudents who have tried to theorize specialized jurisprudence, that is, contemporary jurisprudence, so we examined their scientific literature and jurisprudence such as governmental jurisprudence, art jurisprudence and administrative jurisprudence based on the statements of people such as professor Fazel Lankarani, professor Arafi, professor Samsam al-Din Qavami and other great personalities whose concern was to pay attention to contemporary jurisprudence, because the importance of paying attention to contemporary jurisprudence is not hidden from anyone and it is from the demands of the supreme leader of the revolution  which puts the seminary on the path of civilization, but the important issue is that we should get a methodical literature about what and how these jurisprudences are.

Mr. Kazemi-Muqaddam said: In this letter, I have taken several steps including finding examples, defining, describing and finally achieving the network of concepts.  First, I have focused on discovering concepts, and then I have turned this network of concepts into a network of problems.  We should obtain the relationships of the variables and according to these variables, obtain the problem to lead to the generation of the network of problems.  In a part of my article, I have gone to the definition of topics and for example I have said that jurisprudence of art means examining the view of Shari’ah on the category of art and deriving the normative and prescriptive view of religion on the phenomenon of art.

Tools for better clarification of contemporary jurisprudence

He reminded that another point is about government jurisprudence.  In contrast to political jurisprudence, art jurisprudence and administrative jurisprudence, jurisprudence is not of proposition, subject and predicate, but it is an approach that explores the relationship between all jurisprudence chapters and the micro and macro issues of jurisprudence with the needs of the government.  Therefore, the form of governmental jurisprudence is to solve the needs of the government and its material cause is also the needs and problems of the government.  In the definition of administrative jurisprudence, various definitions have been presented, such as Samsam al-Din Qawami says that administrative jurisprudence or organizational jurisprudence is a knowledge that is formed in the interaction of jurisprudence and management.

The author of the book “Theory of the Network of Issues” said: The jurisprudence of education is also a science that examines the optional behaviors issued by the teachers and trainers and infers a verdict from the evidence for each behavior.  If we put together the set of these definitions presented in the field of contemporary jurisprudence, we should have a meta-analytical attitude and approach to them, which in this view, from the interaction of two knowledges such as jurisprudence and another knowledge from the human sciences. It is the nature of behavior and their Shari’ah ruling is obtained and a subject and predicate relationship is formed, from their combination jurisprudence propositions are created, and the collection of these jurisprudence propositions creates a chapter of jurisprudence that we can refer to as contemporary jurisprudence.

He stated: The result of my discussion is that if we examine the performance of contemporary jurisprudents in dealing with specialized jurisprudence from the collection of the performance of these jurisprudents, we can find a way to discover the network of issues related to contemporary jurisprudence.  In this regard, I discovered the explanation and relationships between the variables in order to finally reach issues that are in line with the better explanation of contemporary jurisprudence.  Of course, this work has to continue and be completed.

The requirment to pay attention to the methodology of understanding the network of contemporary jurisprudence issues


Also, Hujjat al-Islam wal-Muslimin Alireza Pirouzmand;  A faculty member of the Higher National Defense University said in this meeting that the focus of this presentation was on other issues, especially on examples, rather than on the methodology of identifying the network of issues.  Another point is that according to the author’s claim, his emphasis is on providing the network of variables in these jurisprudences, but the question is what is the author’s perception of the variable and if he expresses something, he has actually expressed the variable, for instances when  you want to express the variables of art jurisprudence, you should say what factors cause us to witness a change in art.

He added: Another point is that the author said that he was looking for a retelling of the methods of contemporary jurists who dealt with these jurisprudences, and in this way I have reached a method, but it would have been better if you had said more directly, Samsam al-Din Qavami, so-and-so and Master Fazel Lankarani, so-and-so.  and you would have guided the reader to use the extracted formulation, but this did not happen in the article, and what I understand as a reader is that the author had pre-determined steps and whatever those gentlemen said in this format checked.

Mr. Piruzmand said: Also, in the article, a form called al-l’lal al-Arba’ah  is mentioned, but in practice, what you have given as formal, material, active, and final causes are facing the ambiguity of whether these causes are for the subject or for the ruling.  In my opinion, if this format was to be used, it should be for the topic, but in the article, it was not used for the topic.  I must also say that not much has been answered about the methodology of understanding the network of contemporary jurisprudence issues, which should be given more attention in the article.

The difference between methodology and research method


Also, Dr. Abdulmejid Memabi;  A member of the scientific faculty of the Research Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies said in this meeting: I accept the problems that Hojjat-ul-Islam Porozmand said and I consider them important, but I think that beyond that, an important and basic problem with the text is that what is presented  In the effective sense of the word, it has nothing to do with the topic of methodology, and with forgiveness it can be said that it is a part of the research method or, at best, a very low layer of methodology.

He added: To further explain the discussion, it is necessary to point out the meaning of methodology and its difference from research method.  When we talk about methodology, we should know that methodology deals with the theoretical framework or logic in understanding and data.  In a sense, it guarantees the way we look at the subject of study in two layers;  First, that our encounter with data is a thoughtful encounter and assumptions do not hijack our minds, and secondly, it controls the speed of discussion progress so that our encounter with data is not such that we experience sectional jumps.

Mesabi stated: But the research method deals with a set of necessary preparations and abilities to know the data.  In other words, in the research method, we try to formulate the theoretical content obtained from the methodology and discuss it in an executive and operational format.  But what was said mainly had the aspect of a research method, that is, it represented the way of encountering information that is supposed to lead us from one point to another point, while the problem is that if we do not predetermine our own methodological approach, then we will not be in a position.  that we have a theoretical opportunity for a serious research method and we fail to understand the situation.

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