A memory from Hujjat al-Islam wal-Muslimin Sayyid Sajjad lzadehi, Member of the Department of Jurisprudence, Laws and Citizenship Assignments of the Research Institute of Contemporary Jurisprudence:

  1. Every government is mainly formed on three core elements: “people”, “agents or rulers” and “land”,  in the sense that if a government does not have land, the government is not valid;  In the same way, if a government does not have an agent or a citizen, the truth of the title of government is still problematic.  In order for these three elements to form the “political system”, it is necessary for the agents to interact with the people in the context of the land.  In the olden days, the inclusive political participation of the people was carried out under various mechanisms such as the removal and installation of a ruler by the king, allegiance or coup d’état, etc.;  But in the modern society and in the present age, a category called “political participation” is mentioned, according to which people participate in the category of governance as independent, wise and understanding citizens.

A “political participation” is mainly formed under the existing government that either citizens must choose their rulers and agents or supervise their work and performance or form a process through which they can have an effective presence in the field of decision-making and can be decided by decision makers in political fields in different ways.

But mainly we see the clear manifestation of political contributions in the elections.  Although it is often thought that if there are no “elections” in a society, there will be no “political participation”;  But we must know that political participation is not only limited to elections;  Rather, political participation can also happen in cooperation with parties and other arenas where people have a serious presence.

  1. As for the main question here is that basically, why should people participate in the election process and appoint someone to the post of president? The political situation is not out of two states;  Or there is an autocratic government and does not invite people to participate, which is considered an autocratic system. Or the government is organized with “participatory administration”, in which case, the government invites the people to choose their agents and the people themselves decide who or what logic and thinking to manage affairs for a certain period of time. They see society as more appropriate and open-ended. Therefore, when there is an opportunity for people to take control of their own destiny and choose their agents and make decisions for their future and their land, not using this opportunity is unreasonable and wrong.

Now, if some people do not participate in the process of political participation, the meaning of their non-appearance in the elections does not mean that they did not choose;  rather, not choosing in the space of others’ choices;  It means, firstly, to be satisfied with the choice of others, secondly, to be satisfied with the selection of an incompetent person, and thirdly, tolerating a person and a point of view that he had no role in choosing, and he must accept this choice of others for himself for a certain period of time. Therefore, he must either make his own decision or he must be satisfied with the decision of others; Therefore, not making a decision is a way of making a decision.

Currently, in our country, if we do not participate in the elections, naturally the election process will not be stopped. So how much better would it be that the person who is going to be chosen is based on my vote and opinion and at least I participate in this process;  Because it is possible that something happens and someone is chosen who is not to my satisfaction;  But practically, I have to bear its consequences in my life and political-social destiny for four years.

  1. In the situation of political participation, it is not always the case that we are willing to participate in the condition of being satisfied with the status quo;  Maybe the opposite;  Dissatisfaction with the existing situation doubles the necessity for us to participate in the elections;  It means the logic that says: “I am unhappy;  Therefore, I will not participate in the elections”, is not correct.  In the situation of dissatisfaction with the existing situation, silence and non-movement are interpreted as “satisfaction”.  Therefore, all citizens, regardless of their thinking and orientation, should participate in the elections so that they can make the result as close as possible to their vote and opinion.
  2. In relation to the principle of participating in elections and political participation, there is another important point that should not be overlooked.  In any political system, if people participate in the election process and in any matter that requires people’s participation, it means that they have accepted the logic of their macro-government.

Consequently, participating in the elections itself means that this system has the support and base of the people, and this will guarantee national security, and no enemy will have the courage and strength to confront a government that has the support of the majority of its society. So, participation in elections is relevant; Even if the result is minimal for us and meets our minimum expectations;  Because it provides the general security of the society.

Thus, not participating in the elections not only does not solve the problem;  Rather, it will create a security problem and the person who does not participate will be satisfied with the choice of others and will practically have to endure four years of selection in which he was not involved.

Consequently, “reason”, “quotation” and “human experience” dictate that we participate in the elections effectively, and shrugging off the space of political participation is actually giving excuses to unscrupulous people and giving opportunities to the enemies of national security. We should know that in the field of politics and in the space of political participation;  Being on time and in the right place is very effective and decisive;  Because sometimes there will be no way back and this opportunity should be used.

If a person chooses the right option at the right time and at the right opportunity, he will benefit from the benefits of those years, and if he misses this opportunity, it may have serious consequences for himself and his society;  As he himself is not satisfied with it.  It is important for him to calculate with himself, what will be the consequences of not participating in the elections and what benefits will he get from participating in the elections;  If we can get the correct result from this equation, we will definitely exercise our right to vote.