Summer 2020- Summer 2022

Imam Khomeini: Unless the clergy have an active presence in all issues and problems, it cannot understand that the customary ijtihad is not enough to administer the society. Seminaries and the clergy should always have the pulse of thinking and the future needs of society in their hands and always be a few steps ahead of the events, ready to react appropriately.


The grand leader (Ayatollah Khamenei):
Today Seminars must not be absent from different jurisprudential arenas of the world. So many questions are raised in the world and about different issues. What’s the answer from the Seminary? It must not be absent; it must not be passive; both are harmful. New thought is necessary, it is necessary to give answers to the constantly emerging new needs which are emerging in the world like a flood; you have to find their answers.
(His remarks in meeting seminarians and Seminary teachers of Qum on 29.7.1389)

Respected founder
Ayatullah Sayyid Kazim Nur Mufidi
I hope this research center will be successful in proving the capability and efficiency of the jurisprudence of the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a) and presenting solutions and answers to the questions raised by today’s man and problems of human societies.


Part 1: introduction
Objectives and Missions:
The objectives of the center are as follows:
1. Preparing grounds for spreading and deepening the knowledge of jurisprudence.
2. Fulfilling essential needs of today’s man and the contemporary world in the fields concerned with the center’s missions namely jurisprudence and sciences related to jurisprudence.
3. Strengthening and stabilizing the scholastic authority of Seminaries in producing and presenting rich jurisprudential research.
4. Making jurisprudence efficient in actively encountering demands, challenges, and newly emerged questions faced by today’s man and the contemporary world especially the Islamic society and the government based on Islam.
5. Preparing grounds for training specialist manpower in the arena of jurisprudence and sciences related to it.
6. Comparison and collation between Shi’i and Sunni jurisprudential research for the purpose of producing rich and efficient content.
7. Comparison and collation between jurisprudential and legal research for the purpose of producing rich and efficient content
8. Identifying research talents and utilizing them in jurisprudential research.
1. Providing jurisprudential and reasoning-based answers to questions faced by today’s man and the contemporary world by the use of Jawahery jurisprudence.
2. Establishing an active media movement in the form of written and virtual media to promote rich jurisprudential products in the arena of newly emerged issues with an emphasis upon Jawahery jurisprudence.
3. Creation of different academic streams and faculties and compiling books for them in the arena of new jurisprudence to be taught in Seminaries and universities.
4. Training existing talents in the arena of jurisprudence and its related sciences
Organizational Chart:
Board of Trustees
High Academic Council
Department of Executive Affairs
Department of Research
Library of Contemporary Jurisprudential
Encyclopedia of Contemporary Jurisprudence
Research Faculty for Jurisprudence of Economy, Resources and Technology
Economic Jurisprudence
The jurisprudence of Management and Human Resources
The Jurisprudence of Natural Resources and Environment
The Jurisprudence of Science and Technology
Office of Public Relations and International Affairs
Research Faculty for Jurisprudence of Politics and Government
Jurisprudence of Legal Judgment and Penalty
The Research Faculty for Jurisprudence of Society, Culture and Health
Jurisprudence of Culture, Art and Media
The jurisprudence of Women Affairs and Family
Jurisprudence of Health and Medicine
Jurisprudence of Society, Ethics and Training
Special Group for Foundations of Contemporary Jurisprudence
Special Group for Jurisprudence of Worship

Board of Trustees
Respected members of the Board of Trustees of Contemporary Jurisprudence Research Center are as follows:
Ayatullah Sayyid Kazim Nur Mufidi, the representative of Wali al-Faqih in Gulestan province, Friday prayer leader in Gurgan, and professor of Kharij al-Fiqh and Usul at Gurgan Seminary.
Ayatullah Sayyid Hashim Husayni Bushehri
Secretary of the High Council of Seminaries, professor of Kharij al-Fiqh and Usul at Qum Seminary.
Ayatullah Muhammad Javad Fazil Lankarani, the director of Jurisprudential Center of al-A’mmat al-Athar (‘a) and professor of Kharij al-Fiqh and Usul at Qum Seminary.
Ayatullah Abulqasim Alidust, the director of the council jurisprudence and law of Qum Seminary, professor of Kharij al-Fiqh and Usul at Qum Seminary.
Ayatullah Ahmad Muballeghi, the director of the council of religion-researchers of the country, professor of Kharij al-Fiqh and Usul at Qum Seminary.
Ayatullah Sayyid Mujtaba Nur Mufidi, the director of the Contemporary Jurisprudence Research Center, professor of Kharij al-Fiqh and Usul at Qum Seminary.

Construction of the building of Contemporary Jurisprudence Research Center started on the last days of 1396/2018 and was finished in 1399/2020. It is built on 465 sqm acreage in four floors which have about 2000 sqm built area. The building includes a library, auditorium, meeting room, classroom, rooms for researchers, administrative rooms, studio for recording videos and audios, server room, and prayer hall.
Facade of the Building
Server Room

Part 2: Activities
Formation of High Academic Council
Formation of Council of Research Faculties
Formation of Council of Academic Boards
Holding academic conferences
Compilation of Jurisprudence Encyclopedia
Design and launch of the digital library
Founding specialist library of contemporary jurisprudence
Signing agreements and doing joint research projects
authoring books
Formation of the International Office and beginning its related activities
Formation of High Academic Council
Formation of High Academic Council
The members of the high academic council of the Research Center are Ayatullahs and hujaj al-lsam:
Muhammad Javad Fazil Lankarani, the director of al-A’mmat al-Athar (‘a) Jurisprudence Center and professor of Kharij al-Fiqh and Usul at Qum Seminary.
Abulqasim Alidust, the director of the council of Jurisprudence and Law of Qum Seminary and professor of Kharij al-Fiqh and Usul at Qum Seminary.
Muhammad Andelib Hamadani, professor of Kharij al-Fiqh and Usul at Qum Seminary.
Ahmad Va’ezi, the director of lslamic Propagation Office of Qum Seminary and professor of Kharij al-Fiqh at Qum Seminary.
Ahmad Muballeghi, the director of Religion-researchers in the country and professor of Kharij al-Fiqh and Usul at Qum Seminary.
Mujtaba Ilahi Khurasani, the director of the Desk of Development and Empowerment of Islamic Sciences and professor of Kharij al-Fiqh and Usul at Mashhad Seminary.
Dr. Mahmud Hikmat Niya, is a member of the Board of Trustees and Academic Board of the Research Center of Islamic Culture and Thought.
Masih Burujerdi, professor of Kharij al-Fiqh and Usul at Qum Seminary
Sayyid Mujtaba Nur Mufidi, the director of Research Center of Contemporary Jurisprudence and professor of Kharij al-Fiqh and Usul at Qum Seminary.
Mustafa Durri, Deputy Director and head of research department at Research Center of Contemporary Jurisprudence and professor of higher education at Qum Seminary.
Meeting of High Academic Council in 2021
Formation of the council of research faculties
The council of research faculties which has been formed for analyzing the sanctioned decisions by the boards has held 8 meetings to date. The members of the council are:
Head of Research Faculty of Jurisprudence and Law of Research Center of Islamic Sciences and Culture.
Mahdi Mehrizi, professor of Seminaries and universities and Director of Specialized Library of Jurisprudence and Its Principles.
Kazim Qazi Zadeh, professor of Kharij al-Fiqh and Usul at Qum Seminary.
Member of Academic Board of Research Center of Seminaries and Universities.
Sayyid Mujtaba Nurmufidi
Director of Research Center of Contemporary Jurisprudence and professor of Kharij al-Fiqh and Usul at Qum Seminary.
Masih Burujerdi, professor of Kharij al-Fiqh and Usul at Qum Seminary.
Mustafa Durri, Deputy Director and Research Head of Contemporary Jurisprudence Research Center and professor of higher education at Qum Seminary.
Members of the Board of Jurisprudence of law and citizenship duties
Muhammad Andelib Hamadani, professor of Kharij al-Fiqh and Usul at Qum Seminary.
Sayyid Javad lzadi, Head of the Research Faculty of Islamic Systems of Research Center of Islamic Sciences and Culture.
Ghulam Reza Payvandi, member of the Academic Board of the Research Center of Islamic Culture and Thought.
Ali Sharifi, Secretary of Jurisprudence of Law and Citizenship Duties and professor at Jami’ Al-Mustafa.
Activities of the Board of Jurisprudence of Law and Citizenship Duties:
1. Work started in 1399/2021
2. Holding of 9 academic conference academic conferences and chairs presenting and criticizing ideas.
3. Sanctioning of the bi-yearly conference on Jurisprudence of Law and Citizenship Duties.
4. Publication of electronic magazine of Foundations of Jurisprudence of Law and Citizenship Duties.
5. Analysis of 20 outlines and detailed proposals for studies concerning different subjects of jurisprudence of citizenship rights.
6. Conclusion of contracts for authoring 4 books about different subjects of the jurisprudence of citizenship rights
7. Holding 10 academic conference meetings of the council of academic boards.
8. Creation of a channel for issues of jurisprudence of citizenship rights
9. Formation of the council of academic boards
Members of the academic board of Foundations of Contemporary Jurisprudence:
Muhammad Ali Khademi Kusha, member of the Academic Board of the Research Center of Islamic Sciences and Culture
Sayyid Radi al-Din Asif Agah (Eshkevari), member of Academic Board of Research Center of Islamic Sciences and Culture.
Muhammad Reza Fallah Tafti, Secretary of the Academic Board of Contemporary Foundations.
Activities of the Academic Board of Foundations of Contemporary Jurisprudence:
1. Work started in 2022 march.
2. Holding 5 academic conferences chairs of presentation and criticizing of scientific ideas.
3. Sanctioning of an electronic magazine called Modern Arguments in Contemporary Jurisprudence.
4. Scrutiny of two outlines for research in different subjects concerning foundations of contemporary jurisprudence.
5. Conclusion of a contract for an authoring book called Contemporary Jurisprudence, quiddity and Necessities.
6. Holding 3 meetings by the academic council of this faculty.
Formation of the council of academic boards.
Members of the board of Jurisprudence of culture, Art and media:
Muhammad Nahavandi, the director of the faculty of Jurisprudence of Art and Media of Jurisprudential Center of “Jurisprudence of the pure Imams (‘a)” and professor of Kharij al-Fiqh in the Jurisprudence of media.
Abbas Raf’ati Na’ini, professor of Kharij al-Fiqh in in jurisprudence of Media.
Ja’far Najafi Bustan, professor of Kharij al-Fiqh and Usul at Qum Seminary
Muhammad Reza Fallah Tafti, Secretary of the Board of Jurisprudence of Culture, Art and Media.
Activities of the Board of Jurisprudence of Environment.
1. Work started in 2022 march.
2. Holding of 6 academic conferences and chairs for presentation and criticizing of scientific ideas.
3. Approving of electronic magazine for foundations of Jurisprudence of art and the Jurisprudence of drama.
4. Analyzing two outlines for studies regarding different subjects in the field of Jurisprudence of culture, art and media.
5. Holding of 3 meetings of the academic council of this faculty.
Formation of the council of boards.
Members of the board of the Jurisprudence of environment
Hamid Farahani, member of the academic board and head of the research department at Qum University.
Akbar Khadim al-Dhakerin, member of the Academic Board of Jami’at Al-Mustafa.
Muhammad Reza Fallah Tafti, Secretary of the board of the Jurisprudence of culture, art, and media.
Activities of the Board of Jurisprudence of Environment.
1. Work started in 2022 (May).
2. Approving of issuance of an electronic magazine of foundations of jurisprudence of environment.
3. Holding of 1 meeting of the Academic Council of the board.
Academic conferences:
For the purpose of promoting research in newly emerging discussions among Jurisprudence researchers as well as promoting the production of rich content in this regard, the academic conferences of the Contemporary Jurisprudence Research Center started their work in 2021 February.
With the participation of the research centers of Qum and Mashhad, 22 academic conferences have been held on different subjects of Contemporary Jurisprudence
Academic conferences of the Board of Jurisprudence of Law and Citizenship Duties
1. Promotional chair for measuring the feasibility of Islamic citizenship rights.
2. Promotional chair of citizenship and jurisprudential challenges ahead
3. Academic conferenceAcademic conference on the relationship between citizenship rights and fundamental rights.
4. Academic conferenceAcademic conference on jurisprudential challenges of citizenship rights.
5. Academic conferenceAcademic conference on the jurisprudence of citizenship rights – the right to citizenship.
6. Academic conferenceAcademic conference on jurisprudence of citizenship rights: dimensions and challenges.
7. Academic conferenceAcademic conference on the jurisprudence of citizenship rights: the right of the wife to go out [of the house
8. Academic conference of the scrutiny of the network of subjects of jurisprudence citizenship rights.
9. Academic conferenceAcademic conference on the jurisprudential analysis of the right to access cyberspace as a citizenship right.
Academic conferences of the Board of Foundations of Contemporary Jurisprudence.
1. The academic conference on the method of inference in newly emerging issues
2. Academic conference on determining the nature of contemporary jurisprudence.
3. The academic conference on identifying the jurisprudential methodology of Ayatollah Safi in facing new issues.
4. Promotional Chair for analyzing Jurisprudential Network of Metaverse Technology.
5. The academic conference on the method of inference in New issues.
Academic conferences of the board of Culture, Art and Media.
1. Promotional chair on imagination as a subject of a jurisprudential ruling regarding dramatic arts.
2. Promotional chair on historical narratives and the way of portraying the infallible in cinema.
3. Promotional chair on right to fame: Mutual rights and requirements of cinematographers and religious authority.
4. Promotional chair with the title of production of harmful dramatical works for children from the point of view of jurisprudence and law.
5. Academic chair on jurisprudence of art and Islam: The Constitution in Iran with a look at some exhibitions in cinema and music.
6. Academic conference of Metaverse: From what it is to where it comes in contact with jurisprudence and culture (an introductory entry).
Academic Conferences.
Other conferences and chairs
1. Promotional Chair on the jurisprudence of City and Urban life: its nature, its dimensions, and its network of issues.
2.  Promotional chair on jurisprudential challenges of urban ownership based on Article 38 of the Civil Code of Iran.

The signing of the memorandum of understanding and performing joint projects.
So far, memorandums of understanding have been signed with many jurisprudential centers, and joint projects, such as writing books, holding meetings, and conferences, etc., have also been defined and implemented. Some of these centers are as follows:
1-Research Center of Seminaries and Universities.
2- Institute of Research Center of Islamic Sciences and Culture
3- Jurisprudential Center of Infallible Imams (‘a).
4- Islamic school of art.
5. Sureh University.
6. Research Faculty of Islamic Studies in Human Sciences affiliated to Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.

Part 3: Programs in 1401 (2022)
Writing of Books
The signing of the contract and starting of the production of 5 books on various topics of contemporary jurisprudence.
1. Preparation of a 500-page book with the title Introduction to Jurisprudence of Law and Citizenship Duties (Dr. Ali Sharifi).
2. Compilation of a 400-page book titled “Rulings inconsistent with the right to freedom and dignity of women” (analysis and presentation of problem-solving model) (Dr. Zahra Akhwan Saraf).
3. Preparation of a book consisting of 250 pages of 300 words on the subject of jurisprudential analysis of (the right to form assemblies and marches and the government’s responsibility for maintaining their security) (Ali Shafi’i).
4. The foundations and scope of the right to self-determination in Islamic thought (Syed Javad Rathi Warai).
5. Writing a book on contemporary jurisprudence: its nature, its dimensions, and its challenges (Sayyid Razi Asif Aghah Eshkevari).
Electronic magazines.
The programs of the research institute in 1401 (2022) are as follows:
1. Publication of 5 electronic magazines
2. Publication of 5 books on various topics of contemporary jurisprudence.
3. The start of the mega-project of compilation of the network of the issues of contemporary jurisprudence.
4. Holding 24 academic conferences on different subjects of academic boards.
5. Formation of 4 new boards from the academic boards of the research center, including the boards of the jurisprudence of society, ethics, and training, the jurisprudence of politics and international relations, the jurisprudence of economics, and jurisprudence of women and family affairs.
6. Approval and initiation of the mega project of compilation of course headings for different sections of contemporary jurisprudence.
7. Approval and start of the mega project of the dialogues of contemporary jurisprudence.