summer 2020 - summer 2022

Activities concerning contemporary jurisprudence encyclopedia:
1. Compilation of the tree of contemporary jurisprudence topics.
2. Compilation of regulation and method documents for writing different kinds of entries in the encyclopedia.
3. Writing of more than 220 entries.
4. Outsourcing of more than 30 scholarly papers.
5. Organization of more than 100 academic sessions with the presence of members of the encyclopedia project.
6. Production of more than 2000 scholarly pages.
7. Launch of the website of Encyclopedia of Contemporary Jurisprudence.

Encyclopedia of Contemporary Jurisprudence
Contemporary Jurisprudence Encyclopedia is an online encyclopedia on topics related to contemporary jurisprudence. This encyclopedia aims to collect, report, and evaluate scientific achievements in the field of contemporary jurisprudence, in addition to pages of study resources, it has independent pages for each of the issues, opinions theories, foundations, reasons, and personalities of contemporary jurisprudence.
The Encyclopedia of Contemporary Jurisprudence as a knowledge management system was started in 2019 and is published by the Research Institute of Contemporary Jurisprudence. Until February 1401, more than 330 pages had been created in this encyclopedia.
Introduction to the encyclopedia
A contemporary jurisprudence encyclopedia is an online encyclopedia whose entries are about topics related to contemporary jurisprudence or new issues. The articles of this encyclopedia are compiled under the supervision of the editorial board and with the evaluation of jurisprudence professors and researchers in seminaries and universities.
The purpose of this encyclopedia is to collect and make accessible the research that has been done before in the field of contemporary jurisprudence. The articles of this encyclopedia are a report of existing ijtihads and jurisprudential research and are not based on first-hand research on contemporary jurisprudential issues. Accordingly, in this encyclopedia, concepts, topics, issues, foundations, sources, reasons, and personalities related to contemporary jurisprudence are introduced in this encyclopedia.
What is contemporary jurisprudence?
The meaning of contemporary jurisprudence is an area of ​​jurisprudence whose issues and topics have been presented to jurists in the last two centuries or existed in jurisprudence before that, but in the contemporary era, it has been given more attention. Accordingly, the contemporary jurisprudence encyclopedia, in addition to dealing with new and invented issues, also pays attention to the traditional issues of jurisprudence that have been highlighted in the contemporary period for any reason and new discussions and criticisms have been made about them.
Entries of contemporary jurisprudence encyclopedia
The Encyclopedia of contemporary jurisprudence introduces the collection of concepts related to contemporary jurisprudence in several general groups and in the form of encyclopedic entries; These topics include issues, opinions and theories, foundations, reasons, characters, and bibliography.
Topics and issues of contemporary jurisprudence
Entries introducing contemporary jurisprudence topics are the most important articles in contemporary jurisprudence encyclopedia. In these articles, first the title is defined and then the jurisprudential issues related to it are reported, the opinions and fatwas raised on those issues are expressed along with the reasons for those fatwas. The articles of the fatwa of the criteria and visualization are examples of these articles.
Different Views
In the Encyclopedia of Contemporary Jurisprudence, new jurisprudential innovations and theories are introduced are reported. These theories are reported in an article with the introduction of the theorist, the principle of the theory, and reasons and criticisms related to it. The theory of legal discourses in the principles of jurisprudence, and the theory of precedence of ethics over jurisprudence in the foundations of contemporary jurisprudence are among these cases.
Prominent Personalities and theorists
In the last two centuries, many thinkers from seminaries and universities of Islamic countries have thought and left works in the epistemological field of contemporary jurisprudence. Contemporary jurisprudence encyclopedia tries to dedicate a part of its articles to the scientific introduction, foundations, opinions, and works of these thinkers; Like the articles of Mohammad Hossein Na’ini, Imam Khumayni, and Muhammad Ebrahim Jannati Shahrudi
Basics of contemporary jurisprudence
Some of the entries in the Encyclopedia of Contemporary Jurisprudence are devoted to the introduction of theoretical foundations in contemporary jurisprudence. Since contemporary jurisprudence is the result of confronting some new issues and sometimes the result of rereading the past thoughts of jurisprudence, basics are important. Some entries on the basics of contemporary jurisprudence in this encyclopedia include the al-Faragh region and the philosophy of jurisprudence.
Introducing books and magazines
Some of the articles in the contemporary jurisprudence encyclopedia are dedicated to brief or detailed and sometimes critical introductions of books and magazines published in the field of contemporary jurisprudence. The brief, detailed, and critical nature of these introductions depends on the position, content, and importance of the book and magazine; For example, the jurisprudential review of civil obedience and disobedience, al-Mabusut fi fiqh al-masaa’il al-Mu’asirah, means of artificial reproduction and journal of jurisprudence.
Some jurisprudential reasons, including verses, hadiths, and jurisprudential rulesp@ are widely used in contemporary jurisprudence. Introducing some of these reasons and widely used methods in the inference of jurists is also one of the goals of the contemporary jurisprudence encyclopedia. In these articles, an attempt is made to report the extent of the application of these reasons in contemporary jurisprudence, the way of reasoning about them, and the theoretical foundations and criticisms of these reasons. The rule of nafi al-sabil, accepted by Umar bin Hanzalah, and the verse prohibiting changes in God’s creation are among these reasons.
List of research resources
A part of the entries of the Encyclopedia of Contemporary Jurisprudence is dedicated to the introduction and cataloging of the study resources of contemporary jurisprudence titles. In these pages, an attempt has been made to collect a collection of books, articles, theses, and other resources related to a topic: all pages of study resources.
Tree of Contemporary Jurisprudence topics
One of the tasks of the contemporary jurisprudence encyclopedia is to prepare a tree and a subject index of new jurisprudence topics. The categorization of contemporary jurisprudence issues as well as the categorization of the sources produced in this field are presented under the title “category”. Presenting this categorization is a time-consuming task and requires thoughtful reflections and discussions. The main titles of these categories can be seen in 28 titles in the categories section.
Performance Report
By mid-February of 2022, more than 330 pages have been prepared in this encyclopedia, of which about 290 pages are dedicated to introducing research sources. About 40 articles have been written focusing on issues, basics, characters, and detailed introductions of books.