The head of the research Institute of Contemporary Jurisprudence Studies in his lecture on the occasion of unity week said:

Ayatullah Sayyid Mujtaba Nurmufidi 

at al-Bahth al-kharij jurisprudence lesson on Wed, 18, Sep.2024 on the occasion of Unity Week made some statements.

Ayatullah Sayyid Mujtaba Nurmufidi made some statements at al-Bahth al-kharij  jurisprudence lesson on Wednesday, 06/28/1403, on the occasion of Unity Week, the explanation of which is as follows:

Because it is the blessed birthday of the beloved Prophet of Islam (s) and also the birth of Imam Sadiq (‘a), on the occasion of these two unique personalities, first of all the Prophet of Islam (s) and then Imam Sadiq (‘a) I will narrate a story, suitable for this week, which is also named as Unity Week.

Being together is a mercy!

The Messenger of God (s) in a very short narration that was narrated from him in Nahj al-Fasaha says: “Al-Jama’a Rahmah wa al-Furqa Athab”.  Perhaps the best way to describe the value of unity, togetherness, and the danger of division, separation, and conflict was not possible.  Congregation, being one, being together, these are mercy, but separation, division and discord are torment. Of course, this is clearly stated in the verses of the Qur’an.  Where there is unity and hearts are close together, God’s mercy flows towards people; The spiritual blessing of unity is far more than material blessings. If a society enjoys all the material blessings, but there are differences and conflicts between them, it is hell and there is no peace.  When there is strife, the souls are infected with unrest and anxiety and conflict, but where there is unity, equality and brotherhood, even if it is planted in a dry desert, there is heaven. A wealthy family that does not lack materially, but there are constant fights and conflicts between family members, do they enjoy the wealth and facilities they have? A family that has no benefits or a minimal benefit, but the bonds of this family are strong, there is intimacy and affection between them, they really live in paradise. Sect and division is really a torment; There is no punishment worse than these conflicts and quarrels and disputes.

Think about the effects of punishment and mercy in a small family; When it comes to the larger environment, in a group or organization, in an institution, in a country, in a nation, the wider the scope of society, the more difficult is the torment of division, the more difficult is the trouble caused by division. The wider the scope of society, the greater the influence of unity and equality, and the power resulting from this event is greater; No one can stand against this power.

If the Islamic Ummah is united, no power can stand against it!

Right now and in the current situation, if the Muslims are united together, with minimal military and defense facilities, against the great world powers, if this great nation unites together, none of these arrogant powers can stand against them.  The fact that we and our eminent jurists, the late Imam (may his soul rest in peace) , the Supreme Leader, emphasize this issue is one of the most important Islamic doctrines, which is rooted in the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet and Ahl al-Bayt (‘a). 

Eliminating divisions is the best charity!

I read a narration of Imam al-Sadiq (‘a) who says: “Charity for the love of God is a reconciliation between people if they are corrupt and a reconciliation between them if they are estranged.” Reform between people… here it does not say reform between Muslims, it does not say reform between believers; He says reform between people when there is division, separation and corruption between them… It is clear from the analogy of “correction between people” that “corruption” means separation and division; When they are far from each other, when they are separated, bringing them closer…bringing people closer when they are separated, making amends between people when they are in conflict, is a charity that God loves;  Charity is not only about giving money and food. The same works that exist for charity are also for this. For charity, one work is mentioned; Charity is both financial and non-financial charity; Those works mentioned for charity are not only for financial charity; Length of life, warding off all kinds of calamities, these are for all kinds of charity. A person who has nothing financially to give charity, must all the calamities befall him? No. He does not have money, but he can reform people; It can bring people together when they are separated; Anyone, God forbid, must take a step between two people, two Muslims, two fellow countrymen, quarrels and separation, it is definitely something that is abhorrent to God Almighty. If we want to be loved by God, if we want to give charity that God loves, what better thing to do than to create friendship, intimacy and empathy between people and between friends, between loved ones and between brothers. Why do some people enjoy separation? Why do some people seek quarrels and fights between others? What is this view and thought that some of us have, both in the field of personal life and in the field of social life?  May God bless us all so that we can be kind to each other.